
Friday, June 29, 2012

Long time no see!!

So much has gone on in our lives since we last posted 2 years ago! Some good and some bad but isn't that how life goes? We had a miscarriage in January of 2011 it was twins, then my mom and I had a great girls trip to Ruidoso, NM in June then in July we found out we were pregnant with our sweet Morgan. Then we got hit with the news of my mom's cancer in August. But so far right now things are going well my mom is feeling good most of the time and life with 3 boys and a girl is a wonderful blessing!!

 Here we are for a wonderful mother's day! Morgan had baby dedication at church then we had a wonderful lunch with my mom and Chris' mom.
 Here are our sweet boys on mother's day! Kainen is 10 and going into 5th grade, Adison is 8 and going into 3rd grade, Braden is almost 5 and will be in Pre-K. They are growing so fast!
 Such hams :)
 This is our precious baby girl Morgan she is so amazing and beautiful! She is so loved by her brothers and us too ;) She is 3 months old and it has been the best 3 months ever!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Summer of 2010

We have had a good summer so far. We have been spending lots of time outside helping our neighbors with yard work. And we painted the house finally. The pool over at my parents house is being fixed so we haven't been swimming yet. Hopefully the pool will be ready for Braden's Birthday on Saturday. He will be 3. The boys will be having a weekend with their Grandmother soon. They are so excited, but I'm not sure Chris and I will know what to do with our time and the house being so quiet. We will also get to go to a Rangers vs. Yankees game can't wait for that we are a divided house haha.

Freshly Painted House

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring at the Herd's

Wow! So much has gone on since my last post. Chris and I celebrated our 12th anniversary. Had spring break and had family come visit. Part of spring break we went to great wolf lodge an indoor water park. Then the other part we had Chris' cousin Aaron come visit for a while. We had Easter. And the first week in April we had my Aunt and Uncle come visit Texas for the first time since we have lived here and my brother and his daughter Isabel were able to come for that also. So far spring has been awesome!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jess' Birthday

Well, Chris and I took the kids to parent's night out at church (they love going to that) and we went for a wonderful dinner date at Perini's for my birthday!! We had some much needed adult conversation and alone time it was great!! Chris also finally got his chair that we ordered for his birthday and he loves it.